How to get the March 2000 Benazir Nashonuma Programme?

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How to get the March 2000 Benazir Nashonuma Programme?

In a bid to combat malnutrition and uplift the health status of vulnerable segments of society, the Government of Pakistan initiated the March Benazir Nashonuma Programme. This groundbreaking initiative aims to provide crucial support to pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and children under 2 years of age, ensuring their nutritional needs are met adequately. In this article, we delve into the eligibility criteria, enrollment procedure, and the support offered under this commendable program.

Eligibility Conditions for Joining the Benazir Nashonuma Programme

Eligibility Conditions for Joining the Benazir Nashonuma Programme

By adhering to the eligibility criteria set forth by the government, women can avail themselves of the benefits provided under the Nashonuma Scheme. The conditions include:

  1. Pregnant women
  2. Breastfeeding mothers
  3. Children under 2 years of age (0-23 months)

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Benazir Nashonuma Programme Enrollment Procedure

Upon meeting the eligibility criteria, women can enroll in the Benazir Nashonuma Programme. The enrollment process involves:

  1. Registration in the BISP Sponsorship Program.
  2. Submission of two ID cards issued by women, along with a Child Registration Certificate (B Form) for childcare.
  3. Presentation of the child immunization card for children under 2 years of age.

Support to Received 2000 BISP Nashonuma

Upon successful enrollment, participants of the Benazir Nashonuma Programme are entitled to various forms of support, including:

  1. Financial assistance:
    • Pregnant women receive Rs. 2000 upon registration at the Nashonuma Center.
    • After childbirth, Rs. 2000 is provided per trimester for a son and Rs. 2500 for a daughter, including Rs. 500 for travel expenses. This amount is in addition to the BISP sponsorship.
  2. Childcare provisions:
    • Special food is provided to children under 2 years of age to enhance their growth and development.

Who is eligible to join the Benazir Nashonuma Programme?

Pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and children under 2 years of age (0-23 months) are eligible to enroll in the program.

What support is provided under the Benazir Nashonuma Programme?

Participants receive financial assistance, including Rs. 2000 upon registration and additional trimester-based support after childbirth. Childcare provisions, such as special food for children under 2 years, are also provided.


The Benazir Nashonuma Programme stands as a beacon of hope for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and young children, offering crucial support to combat malnutrition and enhance overall health outcomes. By fulfilling the eligibility criteria and enrolling in this program, individuals can pave the way for a healthier and brighter future for themselves and their families.

For more information, visit or follow @officialbisp, @bisp_pakistan, @bisppakistan on social media platforms. You can also reach out via phone at 00800-26477.

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