200 Units Relief in August Electricity Bills Through New BISP Govt Scheme

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200 Units Relief in August Electricity Bills Through New BISP Govt Scheme

Protests against high electricity bills have jolted Pakistan over the past week, with a large number of inflation-weary people taking to the streets and setting their electricity bills alight across the country of over 240 million. As the electricity price almost doubled in the last 3 months to about 50 rupees per unit, the government approached the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for relief to the electricity consumers.

Relief for 200 Units Through BISP

Relief for 200 Units Through BISP

In a recent development, the finance ministry said interim PM Anwaarul Haq Kakar will get the cabinet approval of the plan through summary circulation which will be a sigh of relief for people using up to 200 units of electricity through BISP.

The government of Pakistan reportedly sought relief for users consuming up to 400 units but a US-based lender has reportedly refused to give relief for a second slab.

No Late Surcharges in Electricity Bills Through New BISP

People consuming up to 200 units will not be slapped with a late surcharge if they haven’t paid the monthly bills for August on time, and they are also allowed to pay the amount in installments.

To avoid huge losses, the government started a massive crackdown against electricity thieves as the country suffered billions. Amid growing circular debt, the interim government announced amendments to the Electricity Theft Control Act through an ordinance and will establish special courts dedicated to curbing electricity pilferage.

200 Units Relief Through the Benazir Income Support Program

For the average Pakistani household, the soaring electricity prices have been a cause for concern, leading to financial strain for many. The government’s decision to provide relief for those consuming up to 200 units comes as a welcome move for countless households struggling to cope with escalating utility bills.

Here’s a breakdown of the key benefits of the new BISP government scheme for electricity consumers:

Relief for ConsumptionNo Late SurchargesFlexible Payment Options
Up to 200 unitsNo late finesInstallment facilities

This scheme not only shields low to middle-income households from additional financial burdens but also promotes responsible electricity usage by eliminating late payment penalties. It encourages consumers to pay their bills on time while providing the flexibility to pay in installments, easing the burden on their wallets.

The government’s efforts to curb electricity theft play a crucial role in stabilizing the country’s energy sector. Electricity theft has been a longstanding issue, costing the nation billions in revenue. With the introduction of amendments to the Electricity Theft Control Act and the establishment of special courts, Pakistan aims to combat this problem head-on. This proactive approach is expected to reduce losses and ensure fair distribution of electricity resources.


The government’s decision to provide relief in August electricity bills for consumers using up to 200 units through the BISP scheme signifies a step in the right direction. It not only alleviates the financial burden on many households but also promotes responsible energy consumption. Additionally, the crackdown on electricity theft demonstrates the government’s commitment to resolving long-standing issues within the energy sector.

As Pakistan continues to grapple with economic challenges, initiatives like these provide much-needed relief for the population while striving for a more efficient and equitable energy system.

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