Ehsaas Program Double Installment 8171 Bisp Call Received 2024

Wasif Hameed
Wasif Hameed - Content Writer
3 Min Read
Ehsaas Program Double Installment 8171 Bisp Call Received

In a significant move to alleviate financial burdens, benazir income support programme and the Ehsaas Program have announced a double installment through the 8171 BISP Call system in 2024. This initiative aims to provide crucial financial assistance to deserving individuals and families during these challenging times.

Ehsaas Program Double Installment

The Ehsaas Program, a flagship social safety net initiative in Pakistan, has been consistently working towards poverty alleviation. The recent announcement of a double installment through the 8171 ehsaas program 25000 bisp signifies a proactive step to extend financial aid to a larger segment of the population.

How to Receive the Double Installment

To benefit from the Ehsaas Program’s double installment, eligible individuals must follow a simple process:

  1. Dial 8171: Use your mobile phone to dial 8171.
  2. Provide Information: Follow the automated prompts to provide the necessary information, including your CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card) number.
  3. Verification: The system will verify your eligibility based on the provided information.
  4. Confirmation: Upon successful verification, you will receive confirmation of your eligibility for the double installment.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the double installment through the 8171 BISP Call system, individuals must meet specific eligibility criteria. This typically includes being a registered beneficiary of the Ehsaas Program and meeting income and household size requirements. Refer to the official Ehsaas Program guidelines for detailed eligibility criteria.

Benefits of Ehsaas Program Double Installment

The Ehsaas Program’s decision to provide a double installment in 2024 brings several advantages to eligible individuals and families:

  1. Financial Relief: The double installment provides immediate financial relief to those facing economic challenges.
  2. Expanded Coverage: By leveraging the 8171 BISP Call system, the Ehsaas Program aims to expand its coverage, reaching more deserving individuals in need of assistance.
  3. Streamlined Process: The use of technology streamlines the application and verification process, ensuring quicker disbursal of funds to eligible beneficiaries.


The Ehsaas Program Double Installment 8171 BISP Call Received the decision to offer a double installment through the 8171 BISP Call system in 2024 reflects a commitment to supporting vulnerable populations. By simplifying the application process and leveraging technology, the program aims to efficiently deliver financial assistance to those in need. Eligible individuals are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity and dial 8171 to access the benefits of the Ehsaas Program double installment.

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By Wasif Hameed Content Writer
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