8070 Free Ehsaas Atta Scheme Package

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8070 Free Ehsaas Atta Scheme Package

In Pakistan, the government has taken significant steps to alleviate the financial burden on low-income families, particularly during the holy month of Ramadan. One such initiative is the 8070 Free Ehsaas Atta Scheme, which aims to provide essential food items to those in need. In this article, we’ll delve into the details of this scheme, how to register, eligibility criteria, and its impact on beneficiaries.

What is the 8070 Free Ehsaas Atta Scheme?

What is the 8070 Free Ehsaas Atta Scheme?

The 8070 Free Ehsaas Atta Scheme is a government program designed to offer assistance to low-income families by providing them with free wheat flour (atta) during Ramadan. This initiative is part of the broader Ehsaas Rashan Program, which focuses on subsidizing essential food items for eligible households.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the 8070 Free Ehsaas Atta Scheme, families must meet the following criteria:

  • Have a monthly income of less than Rs. 40,000.
  • Possess a valid CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card).
  • Reside in the designated areas where the scheme is applicable.

How to Register for 8070 Free Ehsaas Atta?

Registering for the 8070 Free Ehsaas Atta Scheme is a simple process. Eligible individuals can follow these steps:

  1. Send their CNIC number to 8070 via SMS.
  2. Upon verification of eligibility, recipients will receive a confirmation message.
  3. Follow the instructions provided in the confirmation message to collect the free flour.

Distribution Process

Once registered, eligible households can collect their free flour from designated distribution points, which may include utility stores, PSPA-registered outlets, and truck points. The distribution is typically carried out in a phased manner throughout Ramadan to ensure equitable access for all beneficiaries.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Who is eligible for the 8070 Free Ehsaas Atta Scheme?

Families with a monthly income of less than Rs. 40,000 and possessing a valid CNIC are eligible to participate.

How can I register for the free Atta scheme?

To register, simply send your CNIC number to 8070 via SMS.

What documents are required to collect the free flour?

Beneficiaries need to present their CNIC for verification purposes when collecting the flour from designated distribution points.


The 8070 Free Ehsaas Atta Scheme plays a crucial role in providing relief to low-income families during Ramadan. By offering free flour to those in need, the government aims to ensure food security and alleviate financial burdens on vulnerable communities. Through streamlined registration and distribution processes, this initiative strives to make a meaningful impact on the lives of beneficiaries across Pakistan.

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