4500 Relief for BISP Beneficiaries Through Utility Stores

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4500 Relief for BISP Beneficiaries Through Utility Stores

The Utility Stores Corporation (USC) has rolled out a significant initiative to alleviate the financial burden on Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) beneficiaries during the Holy Month of Ramazan. Under the 4500 Ramazan Relief Package, the USC has announced a substantial reduction in the prices of essential commodities, aiming to facilitate millions of underprivileged households across Pakistan.

Relief Prices for BISP Beneficiaries

Relief Prices for BISP Beneficiaries

The latest initiative by the USC entails a downward revision in the sale prices of several essential items crucial for Ramazan preparations. Here’s a breakdown of the key changes:

ItemPrevious Price (PKR)Revised Price (PKR)
Gram Flour-50 per kg
Dates-50 per kg
Lentils-25 per kg
Rice-25 per kg
Cooking Oil-25 per liter
Sugar109 per kg
Flour (10 kg)648

These adjustments are poised to significantly ease the financial strain on BISP beneficiaries, enabling them to procure essential food items at more affordable rates throughout the month of Ramazan.

Duration of the Relief Package

It’s imperative to note that the 4500 Ramazan Relief Package will remain in effect until the culmination of the Holy Month, ensuring sustained support for BISP recipients during this period of heightened religious observance.

Federal Government’s Endeavor

The federal government of Pakistan has taken proactive measures to extend relief to targeted beneficiaries across the nation. Under this initiative, BISP recipients will benefit from reduced prices on 19 essential items, encompassing a wide range of staples crucial for sustenance and celebration during Ramazan.

FAQs for 4500 Relief for BISP Beneficiaries

Who is eligible to benefit from the 4500 Ramazan Relief Package?

BISP beneficiaries are eligible to avail of the reduced prices on essential commodities offered through USC-operated utility stores.

Where can BISP beneficiaries purchase items at the revised prices?

BISP beneficiaries can avail of the reduced prices at utility stores operated by the Utility Stores Corporation (USC) across Pakistan.


The 4500 Ramazan Relief Package introduced by USC underscores the government’s commitment to addressing the needs of vulnerable segments of society, particularly during the auspicious month of Ramazan. By facilitating access to essential commodities at subsidized rates, this initiative aims to alleviate financial burdens and promote social welfare across the nation.

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