Updates Regarding BISP Kafalat and Taleemi 0 Balance Account

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Updates Regarding BISP Kafalat and Taleemi 0 Balance Account

The Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) has been a lifeline for many families in Pakistan. Recent updates regarding the BISP Kafalat and Taleemi programs have brought both concern and relief to beneficiaries. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the latest developments, addressing the issues of disqualification and zero balance accounts, and outlining the process for resolution.

Disqualification Updates BISP Kafalat and Taleemi

Disqualification Updates BISP Kafalat and Taleemi

Many beneficiaries of the BISP Kafalat and Taleemi Wazaif programs by the Government of Pakistan have faced recent challenges, including disqualification and zero balance in their accounts. This article provides the latest updates and good news for those affected, ensuring you have the information needed to navigate these issues.

  • Recent Eligibility Changes: Beneficiaries who were disqualified due to the dynamic survey have seen some updates. If you were disqualified but have become eligible again within the last seven to eight days, your account will receive the latest installment. Subsequent installments, however, will be stopped until further verification.
  • Dynamic Survey Re-Enrollment: Disqualified beneficiaries whose PMT (Proxy Means Test) score exceeds 32 will remain disqualified. They will have the opportunity to re-enroll in the dynamic survey after two years to reassess eligibility.

Zero Balance Account Issues

  • Stage 1 and Stage 2 Beneficiaries: Many beneficiaries have reported zero balances in their accounts. This issue primarily affects two groups:
    • Stage 1: Those who have seen a zero balance error but are due to receive payments in the second phase.
    • Stage 2: Those who have not yet seen any payments or errors. Payments for Stage 2 beneficiaries will commence soon, resolving the zero balance issue.
  • Resolution Timeline: The zero balance issue is expected to be resolved as payments are transferred in phases. If your account shows a zero balance, please be patient as funds are being processed.

Also Read: Reality of 42000 BISP Kafalat Payment for Families

Dynamic Survey and PMT Score

  • PMT Score Criteria: The PMT score determines eligibility for BISP benefits. A score above 32 results in disqualification.
  • Survey Deadline: Ensure your dynamic survey is completed by June 23, 2024. Failure to do so may affect your eligibility for future payments.
  • Re-Evaluation: After two years, disqualified beneficiaries can undergo a new dynamic survey. If the PMT score falls below 32, eligibility may be reinstated.

Payment Updates on 8171 Web Portal

  • Current Status: The 8171 web portal currently shows payments only for the Benazir Taleemi Wazaif program, not for the BISP Kafalat program.
  • Simultaneous Installments: Both BISP Kafalat and Taleemi Wazaif program installments are being released simultaneously. Beneficiaries do not need to wait separately for each program’s payments.
  • Complaint Registration: If you face issues with your payments or eligibility, you can register complaints via the Pakistan Citizen Portal App or by visiting your local BISP office.

What should I do if my BISP account shows a zero balance?

If your account shows a zero balance, it might be due to the phased payment process. Wait for the second phase of payments, which should resolve the issue.

What is the PMT score, and how does it affect my eligibility?

The PMT (Proxy Means Test) score assesses your eligibility for BISP benefits. A score above 32 disqualifies you, but you can reapply after two years if your circumstances change.

What is the deadline for completing the dynamic survey?

Ensure your dynamic survey is completed by June 23, 2024, to maintain your eligibility for BISP benefits.


Stay informed and patient as BISP processes payments and resolves issues. The latest updates promise relief for those affected by disqualifications and zero balance accounts. Ensure you complete your dynamic survey on time and monitor the 8171 web portal for payment updates. For further assistance, do not hesitate to use the complaint registration avenues available.

For more information, visit the official BISP website or contact your local BISP office.

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