Stay Eligible: Update Your B-Forms and Complete the Ehsaas Dynamic Survey

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Stay Eligible: Update Your B-Forms and Complete the Ehsaas Dynamic Survey

Maintaining eligibility for the Ehsaas Taleemi Program and Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) requires timely updates and adherence to new guidelines. Many children have stopped receiving scholarships due to outdated B-Forms, and dynamic surveys are now essential for continued assistance.

Why Update Your Ehsaas Taleemi B-Forms?

Why Update Your Ehsaas Taleemi B-Forms?

Updating B-Forms is crucial as many children’s scholarships under the Ehsaas Taleemi Program have been halted. The main reason is the absence of the mother’s ID card number on the B-Forms. To resume receiving funds, parents must ensure their children’s B-Forms are updated and submitted to NADRA.

Steps to Update B-Forms

  1. Receive Notification: If you receive a message from 8171 to update your B-Forms, act promptly.
  2. Check B-Form Details: Ensure the mother’s ID card number is included on the B-Form.
  3. Visit NADRA: Submit the updated B-Form to the nearest NADRA office.
  4. Confirmation: Verify that your details have been updated correctly to avoid any future disqualifications.

Ehsaas Dynamic Survey

The Ehsaas Dynamic Survey is a new initiative by the Government of Pakistan to reassess the eligibility of recipients every three years. This survey ensures that only those who qualify under the updated criteria continue to receive benefits.

Key Deadlines and Steps

  • Completion Deadline: Recipients must complete their dynamic survey before June 30, 2024.
  • Survey Procedure:
    1. Notification: Eligible recipients will receive a notice to complete the survey.
    2. Visit Survey Office: Go to the designated survey office for your assessment.
    3. Provide Required Information: Submit all necessary documents and information.
    4. Await Results: Results will determine continued eligibility or disqualification.

Impact of Non-Compliance

  • Immediate Disqualification: Failure to complete the dynamic survey will result in disqualification from the program.
  • Financial Implications: Disqualified individuals will have their payments stopped and accounts blocked.

Increase in Benazir 10500 Amount

The government has announced a 27% increase in the assistance amount for the Benazir Income Support Programme. This means that the quarterly installments, previously 10,500 PKR, could increase to 12,500 PKR or 13,000 PKR, depending on the final confirmation.

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Payment Phases

  • Current Recipients: Those already receiving payments will notice an increase in their next installment.
  • New Recipients: Individuals awaiting their first installment will also benefit from the increased amount.

What happens if I don’t update my child’s B-Form?

If you do not update your child’s B-Form, their scholarship under the Ehsaas Taleemi Program will be stopped.


Staying eligible for the Ehsaas Taleemi Program and the Benazir Income Support Programme requires timely updates of B-Forms and completion of dynamic surveys. By following the outlined steps and meeting deadlines, you can ensure continued support for your family.

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