Messages Start from 8171 for Ehsaas 10500 June to April Payment

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Messages Start from 8171 for Ehsaas 10500 June to April Payment

The big news for the recipients of the Ehsaas Program is that the messages have started to be sent under the Ehsaas 8171 system of 10500 Cash. Beneficiaries can now withdraw their payment from the nearest campsite. This article will guide you through the process, answer your questions, and provide all the necessary information to ensure you receive your payment.

Understanding the Ehsaas 8171 Messages

Understanding the Ehsaas 8171 Messages

First Phase vs. Second Phase

The Ehsaas Program messages are being sent out in phases. Here’s a breakdown:

  • First Phase: Includes all districts of Gujranwala, Sahiwal, Rawalpindi, and Sargodha Divisions and Wahari District in Punjab. It also covers all districts of Karachi Division and Hyderabad District in Sindh, and Peshawar, Mardan, Malakand, and Hazara Divisions in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
  • Second Phase: Details of the second phase will be announced later by the Government of Pakistan.

Who Receives the Messages?

  • Message Received: If you receive a message from Ehsaas 8171, you can proceed to the designated center to collect your payment.
  • Message Not Received: If you do not receive a message, there are several reasons this might occur, such as blocked numbers or incorrect contact information provided during the survey.

Also Read: Ehsaas Program Biometric Verification for June 10500 Payment

Steps to Follow If You Receive a Message

  1. Check the Message: Ensure the message is from 8171 and contains instructions regarding the Ehsaas payment.
  2. Visit the Nearest Center: Go to the nearest Ehsaas campsite with your identification and message details.
  3. Collect Payment: Follow the procedure at the center to collect your payment.

Steps to Follow If You Do Not Receive a Message

  1. Verify Your Number: Ensure the number you provided during the survey is active and not blocked.
  2. Visit the Center: Even if you haven’t received a message, visit the nearest campsite in your district.
  3. Provide Identification: Show your identification and explain that you are a beneficiary of the Ehsaas Program.

List of Districts in the First Phase

Here’s a table for quick reference of the districts included in the first phase:

ProvinceDivisions/Districts Included
PunjabGujranwala, Sahiwal, Rawalpindi, Sargodha, Wahari
SindhKarachi, Hyderabad
Khyber PakhtunkhwaPeshawar, Mardan, Malakand, Hazara

How do I know if I am eligible for the Ehsaas June payment?

Eligibility is determined based on the Ehsaas survey conducted by the government. If you are eligible, you should receive a message from 8171.

What if my number is blocked or changed?

If your number is blocked or you have changed your contact details, you should still visit the nearest campsite in your district to verify your eligibility and collect your payment.


The initiation of message distribution under the Ehsaas 8171 system is a significant step towards ensuring timely financial assistance to beneficiaries. Whether you receive a message or not, it is crucial to visit the nearest campsite in your district to secure your payment. Stay informed, verify your details, and follow the procedures to benefit from the Ehsaas 10500 June to April Payment.

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