Benazir Kafaalat 10500 June Distribution Details

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Benazir Kafaalat 10500 June Distribution Details

The Benazir Kafaalat program, a crucial social welfare initiative by the Government of Pakistan, continues supporting millions of families nationwide. As of June 02, 2024, the quarterly installment for April to June 2024, amounting to 10,500 rupees, has been distributed. This article provides detailed information on the latest distribution, ensuring beneficiaries are well-informed and can access their funds without issues.

Distribution Summary for BISP April to June 2024

Distribution Summary for BISP April to June 2024

Total Beneficiaries1.7 million
Total Amount18 billion rupees
Installment PeriodApril to June 2024
Installment Amount10,500 rupees
Distribution DeadlineJune 02, 2024, 12:00 p.m.

Also Read: How to Verify Your BISP 10500 June Payment?

Key Points to Remember

  • Receipt is Mandatory: Beneficiaries must ensure they receive their money in full and obtain a receipt.
  • Distribution Period: The current installment covers April to June 2024.
  • Verification: Proper verification is essential to avoid any discrepancies.

How much is the quarterly BISP Kafaalat installment for the April to June 2024 period?

The quarterly installment for this period is 10,500 rupees per beneficiary.

What is the total amount distributed under the Benazir Kafaalat program for this period?

Over 18 billion rupees have been distributed to beneficiaries.

Steps to Receive Your Benazir Kafaalat Installment

  1. Visit the Designated Distribution Center: Ensure you go to the center specified for receiving the installment.
  2. Verify Your Identity: Carry the necessary identification documents to verify your identity.
  3. Collect Your Payment: Ensure you receive the full amount of 10,500 rupees.
  4. Get a Receipt: Always ask for and keep a receipt of the transaction.
  5. Report Any Issues: If you face any discrepancies or issues, report them to the relevant authorities immediately.


The Benazir Kafaalat program plays a pivotal role in providing financial support to those in need. With the distribution of the April to June 2024 installment, the program continues to impact millions of lives positively. Beneficiaries are advised to follow the necessary steps to ensure they receive their payments without any issues. Remember, obtaining a receipt is crucial to confirm the receipt of the full amount.

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