2 Ways to Get Eligible for Ehsaas 25000 July to September Program

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2 Ways to Get Eligible for Ehsaas 25000 July to September Program

The Ehsaas 25000 Cash Program by the Government of Pakistan is a significant initiative aimed at providing financial support to eligible families. This article will guide you through two essential steps to increase your chances of qualifying for this program between July to September.

Step 1: Obtain and Review Your Ehsaas 25000 Ineligibility Report

Step 1: Obtain and Review Your Ehsaas 25000 Ineligibility Report

To enhance your eligibility for the Ehsaas 25000 Cash Program, follow these steps:

Requesting Your Ineligibility Report

  1. Access the Citizen Portal: Log in to the Citizen Portal to request your ineligibility report.
  2. Receive the Report: Within one to two days, you will receive a detailed one-page report in Urdu.

Understanding the Report

  • Poverty Score: Review your poverty score as mentioned in the report.
  • Reasons for Ineligibility: Identify the reasons listed for your ineligibility.

Action Steps

  • Address Removable Reasons: If the report lists any removable reasons, take necessary actions to resolve them. Correcting these issues will significantly enhance your eligibility.
Ineligibility ReasonAction Required
Incomplete Family DataUpdate CNIC and B-form for all family members
Incorrect Marital StatusCorrect marital status on CNIC
Missing Children InformationAdd children’s details in B-form

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Step 2: Update Family Data Through Ehsaas NADRA

Accurate family data is crucial for eligibility. Ensure the following updates are made:

Update Marital Status

  1. CNIC Update: Ensure your marital status is correctly updated on your CNIC.

Update Children’s Information

  • B-form Update: Ensure all children’s details are accurately recorded in the B-form.

Why Updating Data Matters

Updating your family data improves your chances of qualifying for the Ehsaas 25000 Cash Program as it reflects the correct family structure and income status.

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How can I request my Ehsaas 25000 ineligibility report?

You can request your ineligibility report through the Citizen Portal. It will be provided to you within one to two days.

What should I do if my ineligibility report lists removable reasons?

You should take the necessary actions to resolve these issues. For instance, updating your family data on your CNIC and B-form.


In conclusion, becoming eligible for the Ehsaas 25000 Cash Program between July and September involves two critical steps: obtaining and reviewing your ineligibility report and ensuring your family data is up to date. By addressing any removable reasons listed in your ineligibility report and making sure your marital status and children’s information are accurately reflected in your CNIC and B-form, you significantly increase your chances of qualifying for this financial assistance.

Taking these proactive measures not only aligns you with the program’s requirements but also demonstrates your commitment to improving your family’s financial stability. The Ehsaas 25000 Cash Program is a valuable initiative by the Government of Pakistan aimed at supporting those in need, and by following these steps, you can ensure that you and your family are in the best position to benefit from this assistance.

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